i eat weird things, part 1

ted | food | Friday, June 10th, 2005

After spending most of my evening cursing, sweating profusely, bashing into things and chasing the cats out of my way, we managed to install ALL THREE windowrattlers to help keep us comfy during this unseasonably warm spell. Fuck, man, 3 weeks ago it was breezy, dry, with highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s. Perfect. Past two weeks? High 80s to low 90s, humid, sunny. Not bad, just a drastic change. But in my house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics, which i put to use via a compression vapor cycle to cool down the inside of our house.

So i was feeling comfy and satisfied after that & several beers, i made myself a 2230 snack after the night edition of the Simpsons. Four slices of bacon on wheat bread with a fingerful of chunky peanut butter smeared on in between two bites. Daaaaamn that was tasty. The wok did a respectable job of cooking bacon, despite it being Not Cast Iron. The high sides did a fine job of keeping grease splatters down to zero, which certainly helps to do what one should (cook bacon) in circumstances when one should not (while naked). Yes, i got out of bed to eat a peanut butter and bacon sammich. Shut up.

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