i will not write about current events.

ted | junk | Friday, April 1st, 2005

i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.
i will not write about current events.

By and large, the so-called “web logs” are full of half-cocked senseless whining, sentence fragments pounded out by illiterate 14 year olds, camwhores and bitter jackasses. There are some out there with actual interesting things to day, complete and well-explicated ideas and generally a good read.

What passes for “news” in this country does not a good read make.

Sorry, folks, but i won’t be talking about that zombie in Florida or the brown folks the government is bombing in the middle east or the simpering chimpanzee in D.C. or the zombie with the funny hat in Italy. Other people can and have written about this stuff more eloquently than i.

“The news” rarely has any actual information in it these days. It’s ads for the new pharmaceutical truck, the new hot artist whose CD you’ll buy because they declare it so, boner medicine, enlistment propaganda, zero calorie lard (may cause your kidneys to explode), oh and some trivia about what happened in other countries. No me gusta mierda.

Poop spelled backwards is poop. Quit being afraid of everything. You shouldn’t feel bad for having a good time. There is no god. Policemen, priests, congressmen, parents or bosses do not know what is best for you.

i got a lot to talk about – just got a sewing machine. My motorcycle and car need repair. The Girl and i are refinishing the oak trim in the living room. My kick-ass recipe for black beans is coming to fruition. Burritos. Airplanes. Beer. Trains. Coffee. Vacation. Oranges. Box wine. Zombies. Diesel. Bourbon. Gravel. Music. Dal.

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