Talkin’… baseball
I guess I should qualify my laughter at the Cubs.
I got nothin’ against them as a team, per se. I just don’t like how they’re consistently mediocre and every media outlet in Chicago (perhaps excepting AM 670) treats them like a mother duck preening and cooing over her retarded hatchling.
Meanwhile, the White Stockings Bases-Ball Club Team from the south side have actually won recently. In fact, they won the World Series last year. Nice.
I guess I’m also biased against National League games. I don’t wanna set a pitcher bat, it’s a complete waste of my time. Bring on a DH in the AL any old day.
Firstly, the DH stinks. The element of strategy added to a game by having the pitcher bat is a tasty thing.
Second, I love me some Cubs, and am heartbroken when they stink. This does not mean that I stop rooting for them and choose another team to support, as I’m actually a fan, win or lose. The Trib can hardly be blamed for supporting them, since the Cubs are a part of their holdings. As for the White Sox, I wish them well in all of their endeavors, unless they’re playing the Cubs. The whole North Side vs. South Side bullshit is too long-seated and stupid, and I refuse to take part in it. If I was pulling for the Sox in the World Series and their fans want to call me a bandwagon-jumper and Cubs fans want to question my loyalty, so be it. I know where my sympathies lie. My main concern is hating the Cardinals.
Also, I’d love to try your Dortmunder, you fine hunk of brewmaster.
Comment by Jimmy Karl White — 2006 Apr 11 @ 11:11:14 -0600
I totally think the Northside/Southside BS has gone on for too long. I like me some bases-ball, regardless if i’m sucking down tallboys of Old Style in the friendly confines or MGD on the southside, I like to see the game played.
And I like drinking beer.
Come over sometime, Karl. Bring yr shiny new xB, have a couple brews and pet our dog.
Comment by chicago ted — 2006 Apr 07 @ 16:07:47 -0600