FM wasteland

ted | chicago | Friday, March 31st, 2006

Ever since Howard Stern went to satellite radio in January, morning FM radio has been nigh unlistenable in my neck of the woods.
His replacement, “Rover” is about as bland and boring as listening to the AM farm report on pork belly futures. His ads are truthful, tho – they used to read “Radio With Bite”. It’s true. The dude’s show does bite.
Chicago Public Radio has been doing their pledge drive, so screw trying to listen to that.
WXRT’s “Regular Guy” is perhaps the most honest movie reviews ever, but he’s only on for 5 minutes on Tuesday & Thursday and their beloved Lin Brehmer gets a little too faux-philosophic for me.

So I’ve been sticking to the tape/disc head unit and the 6 disc changer.

Afternoons are much better, mostly because of Steve Dahl. He gets too far into Bears crap than I care to hear sometimes, but overall an entertaining listen (especially when his Swiss friend, Chef Hans, does the Swiss Sports Report). While talking about Scott Posednik and his newly pulled groin muscle, he said something to the effect of “Well, at least that’s a legitamite injury that keeps a player from performing well. You know, unlike the Cubs.”


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