I had a really strange day a couple weeks ago.
Woke up and remembered a dream – it’s been a long while since that’s happened.
Took the bus to Midway for a business trip to (ugh) Fresno. Not a block west on 63rd street, I saw two eight year olds running down the sidewalk, yelling. Then I saw the possum chasing then.
True story.
Just wondering, are you the Ted Fortner from good ol’ Bremen, GA?
If not no biggie, just reminiscing and wanted to say hola to an old friend.
Comment by redframes — 2006 Apr 59 @ 22:59:09 -0600
Why doncha send me an email and we’ll see if’n we can figger this out.
my name is DELETED
the domain i own is DELETED
my email address DELETED
so without giving it away to spambots and jerks who think i need boner medicine, you seem like you should be able to pop one off to me.
Or update yr typekey profile to show yr email address.
Comment by chicago ted — 2006 Apr 21 @ 16:21:37 -0600