ted | driving | Monday, January 23rd, 2006

The short version is this – despite years of folks thinking the contrary, it turns out ethanol is better for us and the environment than gasoline. End of story. I have read enough studies and papers on the Net Energy Value (NEV) of ethanol and the benefits it has for the environment, local economies, farmers, the atmosphere and reducing our dependence on oil to argue all goddamn day if necessary and cite articles, perform feats of thermodynamic calculations and berate you with facts and figures until you give in or run away screaming.

This plus a nearby E85 filling station means i will be burning at least 50% E85/50% E10 unleaded until further notice. Info and links follow.


  • Corn ethanol helps to moderately reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Biomass pilot reactors able to produce ethanol even more efficiently than before and from previously waste cellulostic material (corn stover, newspaper, the ton of fucking junk mail i get every day)
  • Domestically produced, usually starting material grown by local farmers
  • High octane – 113 to 118
  • Burns cooler than gasoline, may help keep cylinder heads and valves cooler
  • Substantially reduces petroleum dependance on foreign sources
  • Overwhelming positive Net Energy Value when used with modern farming techniques – far more energy is produced in a gallon of ethanol than is consumed in its production
  • Quickly biodegrades
  • Energy use and operating costs of ethanol plants continues to decline as corn yields continue to rise
  • Byproducts of production include protein and fiber for animal feed and carbon dioxide for beverage and welding use
  • An excellent fuel system cleaner
  • Usually made from good old American CORN.


  • Contains approximately 2/3rds the lower heating value of gasoline on a volumetric basis, which means you’ll only get 2/3rds the fuel economy from it
  • Can lead to hardening and cracking of seals in fuel systems designed soley for gasoline
  • Due to its excellent solvent properties, it often loosens gunk built up in the fuel system and may clog the fuel filter
  • Currently subsidized by the Federal Gummint

So other than the current tax subsidy, all the downsides are equipment issues and infrastructure. Automakers: make cars that can run good on E85 and gasoline and the midwest will beat a path to your door.

Did i forget to mention Henry Ford intended for the Model T to run on ethanol? Rudolf Diesel intended (and demonstrated!) his engine running on vegetable oil. Pull your heads out of OPEC’s ass. We’ve got an alternative to $70/bbl. crude right here at home. This is about the environment and national security and how we can have our corn liquor and drive with it, too.


  1. Does that mean we’ll have more gasoline to serve with breakfast?

    What would happen if I started putting Everclear in my tank?

    Comment by creases — 2006 Jan 18 @ 16:18:32 -0600

  2. Goddamn right we’ll have more gasoline for breakfast. If you put everclear in your tank, it probably wouldn’t run so good because it is diluted with water. E85 is 85% pure ethanol and 15% gasoline. In the US, they gotta denature the booze with something poisionous, lest it be subject to regular booze excise tax. And if you put that shitty band in your tank, i’m sure your car would totally fucking die.

    Comment by chicago ted — 2006 Jan 50 @ 06:50:36 -0600

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