Hello, forgotten thing
Still here. Still alive. Moving soon.
The Doctor got her dream job. Congratulations!
Spent 2 weeks in Slovakia for work. I liked it there.
Found out work won’t have a position for me where we’re going.
Had a fast roadtrip down to see the fam over the holidays. Everybody seems to be doing good. Found out what “PDM” stands for.
Turned in my resignation notice at work. Looking for a J-O-B in the Baltimore area. No offers or interviews yet.
Slowly panicking.
Not as much packing, mostly throwing junk away.
Trying to get the house repaired good & on the market fast.
Still rock my khakis with a cuff and a crease.
Hey, if you get to bmore by May, you may be interested in this: http://megapolisfestival.org/
I might be presenting an installation. We’ll see.
Comment by mkb — 2010 Jan 50 @ 21:50:20 -0600