Thank you, Mr. Nice Guys in the Costco parking lot
I will easily admit I should have been paying closer attention, but it’s hard to do low speed driving through a very crowded parking lot and keep an eye on two dogs. So much so that Coltrane actually jumped out of the car.
Fortunately, he wasn’t hurt at all, in fact he seemed to have enjoyed it, there were two witnesses and it only took me about 10 seconds to notice Mr. Puppyman was missing. Thank you to the nice older Asian gentleman with his Jetta parked in what little shade was available for pointing me in the direction of the dog and thank you to the nice guy who had intercepted Coltrane and was about to call the number on the tag while petting him. I was the most shaken out of the whole thing, fortunately. I’m keeping a much closer eye on the rear windows now, at least until he gets bigger, which he is doing on a dramatic scale.
Sometimes when you least expect it, folks just help out of the goodness of their hearts. Thanks, guys.