If one is good, two must be better
So, we have decided it would be in our – my dear Wife, myself and our greyhound, Mingus – best interests to add another greyhound to our house. It also just so happens that a greyhound rescue near Oklahoma City has a greyhound puppy up for adoption. Add to that a car that can get upwards of 700 miles on a tank of diesel and a weekend of cooler weather and you’ve got a recipe for a weekend roadtrip.
Yes, we are going to drive nearly 800 miles with our adult greyhound in the car to take a look at this little guy and maybe drive back with him in the back of the Golf.
My buddy Ken, who lives in OKC and will be putting the three of us up for the night this Friday commented that that little widder looks “like you transplanted a door wedge onto a headless puppys’ neck and shocked it to life” and I couldn’t agree more.
My lady is lobbying to call him “Monk”. After the hard bop jazz musician, not that retarded show. I got no beef with that but I think I would rather call him “Thelonious”. I’m also kicking around the idea of “Cannonball” or even “Julian” (Cannonball Adderley’s real first name) for the jazz and TPB connection.
Upon hearing about this plan, my Internet Lawyer, one Hazen Hammel, Esq., remarked “What are you, nuts? This is sounding more insane by the minute.” Today he provided me with a horrifying story about how to transport a large dog Romney style. While I do have a roof rack for my car, from my experiences with a rooftop carrier, this plan would cause a tremendous strain on my fuel economy and I would rather keep the dog(s) in the car. Not to mention, y’know, the disregard for animal life and borderline abuse.