He asked that I call, so I called

ted | driving | Friday, May 4th, 2007

Well, he did ask that I call in the email I received.

So I called.

He was very nice and apologetic and we discussed what happened fairly emotionless and businesslike. He got the facts from me to document the incident and said the pictures spoke volumes more than just the text of my email. He also said the email originally went to the head of the company, who then forwarded it to him.

Apparently their trucks have built-in GPS units. He checked the data for that stretch of road at the time I mentioned. 73 mph in a 55.


He also started going into how the employees have been suspended and Monday he’ll most likely start termination proceedings at which point I cut him off and said that it was none of my business what he did internally. I just wanted to make the company aware of how their employees acted behind the wheel of a company truck. It honestly doesn’t matter if it was high fives and cold Budweiser all around or riding them out of town on a rail.

That being said, I may very well take a different route home for the next week or so. Some suspended/sacked psychopath with cameraphone pictures of my car and a chip on his shoulder ain’t my idea of a good ride home.

Like I said before – I don’t cause trouble, I don’t bother nobody.

And to the driver and passenger – put a quarter in your ass ’cause you played yourself.

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