Kitchen demolition nearly complete

ted | house | Monday, April 2nd, 2007

The kitchen is being re-drywalled right the hell now, which is fortunate because it looked pretty weird with most of the drywall removed. We ripped out everything below 63″ above floor level to get rid of the horrible, horrible tiles the previous owner put up. Stuck ’em directly to the drywall. I’ve seen bigger crimes against houses (like the drywalled-over stained glass window) but this is by far one of the most annoying.

But it’s all gone now, ripped out by yours truly yesterday. Just so all y’all know, while a laser-guided 7-1/4″ Skil saw with a tungsten carbide tipped blade will go through 5/8″ thick gypsum drywall like a red-hot axe through oleo but will create a thousand times more dust. Save your lungs the trouble and just cut it with a straightedge and utility knife.

Pix are up if you know where to look.

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